Behringer makes three similar looking active direct boxes, each is optimized for a specific instrument. Each has modeling circuitry specific for the intended instrument application. Each pedal has an XLR output for direct feed to a mixing console as well as 1/4” input and output jacks. These pedals can be powered with internal 9-volt transister radio batteries or standard 9-volt pedal board power via an external power inlet jack.
ADI21 is for acoustic-electric guitars.
BDI21 is for electric bass guitars.
GDI21 is for electric guitar.
I’ve used these pedals in our studio for over five years. We’ve tried them on live performance gigs of all types. The tone controls are very useful for contouring the sound output.
I gave a BDI21 to a friend and it saved a gig when his amp went down. He used the BDI21 to plug into their sound system direct and nobody in the audience knew.
We’ve used the acoustic version, ADI21 to enhance my Martin D-35e output which is a Fishman Aura system.
The GDI21 guitar version has good overdrive and distortion effects built-in. It is also capable of creating an excellent clean sound.
Like everything, maybe it will work for you, maybe it won’t. In my experience there is no single pedal that works in all situations. For me these pedals are great tools to have in the studio arsenal. They sound full and professional if you feed them good tones to start with. In my experience the acoustic ADI21 helps any piezo equipped acoustic guitar sound better. The bass model is good enough for any direct recording situation and the electric guitar model has some excellent distortion sounds available.
One of the most impressive features of these boxes is the price, they are all under $40 each. The various combinations of features, sound quality and low price make these an insane bargain and easy to own all three.
Thanks for reading High on Technology, Good Music to You!
©2021 by Mark King, It’s not ok to quote or copy without written permission.